We are looking for:
- English Teaching Assistant
- Native English speaker with passport of English country
4 hours work per day:
* Talking with children in the elementary school or village
MON-THU is free for a bed or room
工作換宿計畫還包含: (原則上一天四小時換宿)
1. 台灣各縣市的街頭藝人到廟前廣場表演
2. 彩繪農村
3. 參與台南的救難
4. 你可以提其他對農村有幫助的想法來討論
週一至週四住宿免費, 三餐自理.
後營是十七世紀東寧王國第一座屯田的兵營, 接近台南平原地區的中心,
不在台南古城內. 歡迎來此享受慢活的田園生活, 半小時內可到台南大部分的景點.
合法民宿編號: 台南市民宿105
好客民宿編號: 01103
Line: hoin4
TEL: 0928-135796
Tainan is the oldest city in Taiwan since 17th century. HouYing is a village almost as old as Tainan city. It is near the center of Tainan. You can visit almost all places in Tainan in half an hour, or enjoy the nature here.